Thursday, June 10, 2010

More Rewrites

So once again I find myself working on rewrites. Not for "A Happy Reunion" this time but the feature after that "You Belong With Me." Yes, it is a rom-com. I started it as a 3-5 page scene for a contest in the middle of April and managed to write 56 pages of it before the end of April and finished it by the 20th of May.

This process of writing again what you've already written sucks. I know it will be a better script when I finally get around to making the changes, but it still sucks. I guess when I reach FADE OUT. and the magic over 90 pages I'm done living with the characters and story and I just want to move to the next project. Because you know I've got at least one projects idea I'm itching to start. I like to write small (full episodes in 40 pages instead of 50-54) so seeing 90+ pages is an accomplishment I want to celebrate. Last thing I want is to hear "You need more here to explain her/his motivation." I know I need it and this isn't complaining about the people who read and give me notes. I appreciate those people and notes. I need them to know where I've failed completely or just need tweaking. But fixing those things- I have no motivation.

I guess that's what this post is about. Finding motivation to end the procrastination and make those changes. Sure there are screenwriting contests with deadlines approaching and "writers have been known to complete things when deadlines loom "(from the FAQ of the Nicholl Fellowship of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.) But I need more motivation. When I find the secret I'll let y'all know.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Sarah! I know exactly what you mean. I am re-writing a story I thought I was done with last year. I just did re-writes on it yesterday and today I keep thinking I cut out the stuff I should have left and left the stuff I should have cut.

    You are absolutely correct in saying that each time you work at it you improve----so with that in mind--- keep up the good work!
